Thursday 3 November 2016

Weight Loss Diet Plans - In Search of the Great Elixir for All of Our Weight Loss Problems

There are more ways to lose weight than there are bathroom scales in the world. But there is only one way to keep the weight off for good and I am determined to spread it to the world. I lived life in the dieting fast lane for fifty years.

I have been on just about every diet that has come out in the past fifty years. I've tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, The Scarsdale Diet, Atkins Diet, Slim-fast, Nutrisystem, Medifast, Dr. Oz, South Beach, and all of the other you-name-it weight loss diet plans. I don't recall not being on a diet.  I diligently huffed and puffed my way to excellent fitness, getting my weight down only to gain it back. Weight loss companies LOVE me!

I have tried a fasting clinic in New Jersey, the spa at La Costa in California, a juice-only clinic south of London, and Clinique Valmont in Montreau, Switzerland, which I frequented for ten years. None of these weight loss diet plans gave me lasting results. Oh, I lost lots of weight, but gained it right back - sometimes getting very sick. My thyroid went out of whack after the fasting clinic in New Jersey.

Guys! Listen up! Always check with your doctor before going on any diet, cleanse, or fast.

The only Weight Loss Diet Plan that have come close to working right are those that advocate organic nutrition like the Paleo Diet, Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution, any of Marylu Henner's books, and a cookbook by Mark Hyman from Canyon Ranch Spa in Tucson. But even these books are too restrictive for me.

So What Are the Best Weight Loss Diet Plan Out There?

Here's the deal! No more pop tarts! But wait! There's more!

• Go to your pantry! Throw out all of the "white menace." Toss out all white rice, all sugar, white flour pasta, iodized salt (sea salt in moderation is okay), white flour, white potatoes, and anything else that's white.

• Processed food equals poison. READ THE LABELS! Anything with "ose" at the end of the word like high fructose corn syrup or anything that is genetically modified, has food coloring, aspartame, or other chemicals should be tossed out. Processed foods are making you very sick!

"I'm not sick! I feel great," you say, but you are wrong. Your intestines are filled with disgusting critters that need to be flushed. You will only discover how sick you really are after you've been eating right for a few weeks and start to feel healthy again.

Not only are your intestines ill, but your liver is so clogged with toxins it's too bogged down to keep your metabolism running at its best. Make sure you clean up these vital organs by doing a full body cleanse before starting one of the healthier Weight Loss Diet Plan.

• Throw out all hydrogenated oils. You will learn to love olive oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, and a host of other wonderful oils.

• Buy only grass fed or organic meats.

• Eat ONLY fish that have been caught wild.

• Familiarize yourself with the healthy foods (there are too many to list here) The best weight loss diet plans will tell you to start buying organic. It will be well worth the learning curve. If you absolutely must shop at your regular supermarket, only buy products from the perimeter of the store. Most of the toxic foods are sold in the center aisles. I can guarantee that if you change your eating habits in the above mentioned ways, your liver will love you, your metabolism will be up to speed, the weight will fall off for good and you will be feeling better than you have in years.

Virginia Perl has amassed more than fifty years of hands-on Weight loss Diet Plan experience. As she says, "If you want to lose weight, diets really do work! If you want to keep the weight off and never have to diet again, well that's another story. Diets - especially fad diets - are detrimental to keeping weight off." So what is Virginia's advice, after being on one diet or another her whole life? "Never go on a diet to begin with. Instead, change your eating habits. Give your body what it's begging for and what it needs so that your metabolism can do it's job."


Friday 28 October 2016

Healthy Eating

Best Healthy Diet Tips You Should Be Adopting

There are quite a few healthy diet tips that will help you to live a healthier lifestyle and eat a healthy diet. If you are trying to eat healthily and stay healthy, you should take these healthy diet tips as good advice that should be incorporated into your daily lifestyle. You can incorporate these gradually and you'll be used to it no time!

First is that you must always fill your food cupboards and refrigerators with healthy food. After all, if you don't have healthy food ingredients to cook, and all you have stocked up on is processed foods, how can you cook healthy meals?

Another of my healthy diet tips is that you should keep every of your meals balanced. Plan your meals ahead of time. This will help you manage your eating habits much easier, and will help you avoid preparing unhealthy meals in the name of "I don't know what to cook today", or "I've run out of ideas".

Healthy diet advice is easy to come by everywhere, but any good advice must stress how to get nutrients out of whatever foods you are eating too. This is very important as there is no point eating all the right foods, but losing all the nutrients you need from them! How you cook and process your foods is important and crucial to their nutrient-retention. The average home loses a high percentage of the nutrition in their meals, just by the way they prepare and cook it alone!

When incorporating healthy diet tips into your day-to-day lifestyle, it is essential to understand how nutrients are lost in food cooking, and preparation. That way you can avoid the worst culprits and retain all-important nutrition in your meals.

In fact, even without changing the foods you eat yet, but simply getting maximum nutrition out of the foods alone will give you more energy, help your body to function much better, help your bowel movements to be more regular, help you to concentrate better, keep you healthier, and even help you lose weight!

Yes, just like that. And then add slightly tweaking your diet and right Healthy Food Tips choices to it, you have a complete winner! Not crash diets that don't work. Not diets that work for a few weeks, and then take you back to square one when you crave the foods you liked to eat. This is because using the right cooking methods and food preparation methods will enable you to cook largely without added fats and oils (now, that's key!), cook foods in their natural juices without water, and cook on lower heat settings.

Fish oils are an excellent addition to your diet and contain essential fats that are excellent for the brain, concentration and general co-ordination. When you cook fish, take care not to cook out all the nutrients. Don't fry on high heat especially, so that you don't damage the omega-3 content that you need. Excess saturated fat is believed to increase the risk of heart disease by raising LDL cholesterol ("bad") levels. They therefore should be restricted in your diet.

Always strive to reduce bad cholesterol in your diet. They increase the risk of heart disease and obesity. If your cholesterol levels are already higher than normal, you need to take even extra measures to bring it back to normal through diet. It won't happen overnight, since your cholesterol level was not built up overnight. It will normalise with time though as long you are watching your diet and reducing on foods that are high in cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats.

Drink plenty of water on a daily basis. Adding a bit of exercise too will work your heart and help to lower your cholesterol and diseases risk. Diet is key though - you should take these healthy cooking and healthy diet tips and habits, as exercise will not work by itself.


Monday 24 October 2016

Stop Your Diets That Will Not Work- Have A Sensible Weight Loss Diet

Becoming physically fit is every overweight woman's goal and losing weight is every overweight woman's dream. An individual's size depends upon the ideal weight an individual prefers. Developed countries like the United States most likely have more population of overweight women aging 30 and above. And these overweight women are desperate to lose weight. Trying all the means to lose weight, we are now very luckily we can get all the help over the internet for ways on sensible weight loss.

Different diet plans and programs react differently to different people that is why we need to seek advice from the experts on what best sensible weight loss diet plan that will give a positive result and that won't fail you. Sometimes our diet plans can be a roller coaster; however, this is not a thing to be discouraged about because there are many sensible weight loss ways. One of which is very easy and simple and that is to eat the healthy foods. Fruits and vegetable that are packed with fibers, vitamins, and antioxidants will help fill up your stomach and could make you feel full which in turn could help you monitor the amount of calories taken. This is one of the sensible weight loss you can keep.

Not eating on time your meals and skipping meals are not sensible ways to weight loss and will definitely not keep your body fit. It will only make your body starve for the nutrients it lacks and will make you crave for more. Eating small frequent meals will help balance your calorie intake throughout the day and will balance your sugar level. Five to six smaller meals throughout the day instead of eating 3 big meals will help you from eating bigger meals.

The sugar intake also has a direct effect on the body. It is best to keep track on the sugar level intake in our body because sugar is another source of calorie which can cause obesity if taken in excess. Most carbonated drinks and other sweetened drinks and food that are found in supermarkets have more sugar in them than what our body really needs that is why we need to watch the sugar content in them very carefully. Canned or bottled juices, soda, sugar & even cream in you put in your coffee or tea could be the source of excess sugar, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help detoxify and get rid of the excess sugar in your body. In addition to that, drinking at least a glass of water before meals will help you feel full aside from hydrating your body. Water by the way should be a part of your sensible weight loss diet.

Having a sensible Weight Loss Diet by eating wholesome fresh foods can also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and what's more is that it can also help you lose weight. Processed foods have higher amount of sodium and fat which could cause calorie build up.

Whether you just need to lose a few pounds or quite a bit, whether you have had some success dieting before or you have failed miserably on every diet you have ever tried one recommended and proven way to sensible weight loss is following the glycemic index. Glycemic index or GI can help you lose weight ... and keep it off!

Foods that have low GI are more slowly digested and absorbed by the body, it can also produce gradual rise in blood sugar and insulin levels, and have proven benefits for health.
